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Pets Love Art that Features Them!


I offer hand-painted custom pet portraits on stretched canvas, ornaments, reclaimed wood, denim, repurposed fan blades, and more!

I have something for every budget.. see all pricing here.

Samm Wehman art cat painting custom pet portrait
samm wehman art custom pet portrait gainesville florida artist
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait gainesville Florida schnauzer
samm wehman art custom pet portraits gainesville florida
Samm wehman art custom pet portraits vinyl record gainesville florida
Samm wehman art gainesville custom pet portrait
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait family portrait gainesville florida
samm wehman art custom pet portrat
Samm Wehman Art_Hadley Doodle Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Manny painting Samm Wehman Art
Custom pet portrait_Samm Wehman Art
custom pet portrait samm wehman art
Smush Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Golden Retriever Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait gainesville florida
Samm Wehman Art_custom pet portrait
yukon St. Bernard pet portrait samm wehman art gainesville florida
samm wehman art custom pet portait
Pug Mix Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Bradley Burrito_custom pet portrait_samm wehman art
Golden Doodle Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait plenty of pitbulls supernova gainesville
Custom pet portrait
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait gainesville florida
Bo custom pet portrait_ samm Wehman art
Pitbull Mug Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Catahoola Pit Mix eating ice cream Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait animal art Grimm
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait
Jet Boxer Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Ron portrait_ Samm Wehman Art
Wood paintings Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Holiday ornaments Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Manny Sailor Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait Ornaments
Lab sea shell ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Husky painting art Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Cat ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Wood family portrait Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Spresso bean wood cookie holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Samm wehman art custom pet portrait gainesville florida
Mixed media family portrait Weiner Manny Onyx Kimmie Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Boxer painting Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
mixed breed holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
lab wood cookies Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Onyx, Manny & Kimmie
Wood cookie hound holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Bulldog Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Veiled chameleon sea shell holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
wood block holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art painting dog
springer mix Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art duck sea shell holiday ornament
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
cat holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
repurposed fan blade art Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Samm wehman art custom pet portraits pitbull manny gainesville
Fluffy calico cat painting Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art Beagle pitbull rescue dogs
Cat sea shell holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Springer spaniel Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Mimi wheaten terrier mix Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art lilies flowers
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art Hedgehog
Cat Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art sea shell holiday ornaments Penny
Kimmie white pitbull sea shell holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Sea shell holiday ornaments Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
cat sea shell holiday ornament Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art cat sea shell holiday ornament Scooter
Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art sea shell holiday ornament Brody
Repurposed fan blade art painting Kimmie Onyx Manny pitbulls Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
Roxy Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art sea shell holiday ornament_Samm Wehman Art
Sea shell holiday ornaments Frenchie Yorkie Custom Pet Portrait Samm Wehman Art
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